“Audi is expanding its vehicle production capacity, motor development centre and electric motor manufacturing unit in Győr with an investment of 41 billion forints (EUR 126 million)”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó said in Budapest on Tuesday at a press conference to announce the investment.

The Minister told reporters that the Government is providing 6.4 billion forints (EUR 19.7 million) in funding towards the investment, which will create 250 new jobs. He said that according to his expectations Audi’s investment could contribute to setting a new export record, and the automotive industry could also set a new record this year in view of the fact that its production value increased by 12 percent during the first five months of 2019. “Thanks to the investments of recent years, Hungary is now among the winners of the new automotive industry era, and has acquired investors from both East and West amidst stiff competition through its economic policy measures”, he added.

On the subject of electromobility, Mr. Szijjártó explained that in addition to economic factors, the significance of new technologies is also being increased by political processes. The Minister said that in his view sustainability has never before been such a determining factor within European thinking, and the environmental approach has also led to new competition conditions at international level. He stressed, however, that it will only be possible to undertake to be carbon-free by 2050 if the financial instruments for the required development projects are also visible. “While standing on the side of rationality, Hungary regards both the future of the Earth and Europe’s competitiveness as important, and accordingly it is supporting an economic policy at European level that does not ruin the environment or the continent’s industry”, the Minister stated.

Mayor of Győr Zsolt Borkai (Fidesz) called Audi an integral part of the city and a strategic partner, in view of the fact that it not only provides work to thousands of families, but its level of social responsibility is also outstanding. “The new era in the production of electric motors will bring new development opportunities to the local workforce and to the County capital”, he emphasised. Chairman of the Board of Audi Hungária Ltd. Achim Heinfling explained that the company’s e-transformation project includes both production and development. “The production of electric drive systems will be increasing significantly at the Győr plant, and by the end of 2022 the development centre will also be improved with a new workshop and test benches”, he added.

From among the innovations that are determining the development of the automotive industry, Mr. Heinfling highlighted the importance of electric drives and digital systems. “In addition, Audi Hungária also regards sustainability as a determining factor in view of the fact that it plays a leading role in electromobility within the company”, he said. The company chairman also welcomed the fact that Hungary has created a favourable environment for investments because in his view these not only create attractive and competitive workplaces, but are also reinforcing the competitiveness of the Hungarian economy.

Audi Hungária’s plant in Győr is the central supplier of motors to the Audi and Volkswagen concern, and following the expansion announced on Tuesday will be providing jobs to some 13 thousand employees. Last year, the company achieved 2307 billion forints (EUR 7.09 billion) in turnover, a decrease of 2.3 percent. The number of motors produced fell by some ten thousand to 1,954,301. The company explained the minor decrease with the changes affecting the automotive industry, but at a report in March on last year’s figures stated that they are not expecting any further decrease this year, and could in fact achieve renewed growth.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade/MTI)