Hungarian-Slovakian economic relations are expanding dynamically and the Hungarian National Trading House (MNKH) and the Slovak Investment and Trade Development Agency (SARIO) concluded a cooperation agreement on Thursday in Budapest to facilitate further growth.

At the opening ceremony of a business forum organised by the Trading House, MNKH CEO Zsanett Oláh highlighted: “The agreement is aimed at expanding economic relations into other sectors in addition to classical trade flow, including the fields of energy and infrastructure, in addition to contributing to the international competitiveness of both countries”. “We would also like to use the agreement to facilitate broader relations between the two countries’ businesses, and to develop regional cooperation and cross-border regions”, she added.

Mr. Oláh also mentioned that the Trading House network had expanded within the region, and the task of the regional offices is to reinforce Hungarian-Hungarian economic relations, which n turn also contributes to the growth of the Slovakian economy via tax income and new jobs.

“The development of bilateral relations is advantageous to both Slovakia and Hungary, including within the fields of energy security, agriculture, the food industry and infocommunications. The Trading House is funding the participation of Hungarian enterprises at Slovakian trade fairs and business forums, and informs them about investment opportunities through its network of business contacts”, the CEO explained. The Trading House has developed several successful business for Hungarian companies in Slovakia, of which Ms. Olah highlighted the fields of wine exports and heating technology.

Minister of State for Economic Diplomacy Levente Magyar from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade pointed out: “According to last year’s figures Slovakia is Hungary’s 2nd most important trade partner and the Slovakian economy is one of the most important export markets for Hungarian products; bilateral relations are developing dynamically. The two countries are mutually dependent on each other and cooperation is close. The MNKH operates seven regional offices in Slovakia in the interests of facilitating relations between small and medium-sizes businesses”.

Director of SARIO’s Foreign Trade department Tibor Bucek stressed that Slovakia is Hungary’s 3rd most important trade partner and Hungary is Slovakia’s 6th most important. The forum facilitates the forging of relations, he said, highlighting agriculture, the health industry, the automotive industry, energy and the food industry as the most promising fields of cooperation. Mr. Bucek expressed his hope that Hungarian-Slovakian economic relations will continue to gain strength.

State Secretary Vojtech Ferencz from the Slovakian Ministry of Economy spoke about the fact that Hungarian-Slovakian relations are ideal. “The Government and the Ministry of Economy are doing everything possible to ensure that this remains the case”, he added.

More than 100 Hungarian and Slovakian businesspeople attended the Hungarian-Slovakian Business Forum organised by the MNKH, and entrepreneurs had the opportunity to negotiate about concrete business opportunities within the fields of agriculture, the food industry, renewable energy sources, waste management, the health industry and the machine industry.