“The supporters of migration, who claim to be the champions of progress, want to lead Europe into a post-national, post-Christian era”, Tamás Menczer said in an interview published on Tuesday on Visegrád Group (V4) news portal Remix.

According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade’s State Secretary for Information and the International Representation of Hungary, the supporters of immigration are “so progressive” that it seems they have progressed passed such fundamental values as security and border protection, and support mass migration and the replacement of the populations of continents and countries. “In contrast, the V4 (the Czech  Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia) value their traditions and want to preserve their Christians culture”, the State secretary said, adding that it is the firm belief of the countries of the V4 that Europe will only be strong and competitive if it is built on strong member states.

“The countries of the Visegrád Group also agree that migration is dangerous, and accordingly must be stopped, border protection must be placed within a national sphere of competence, and hotspots must be established outside Europe”, Mr. Menczer stressed.

With relation to the V4’s economic performance, the State Secretary said: “Economic growth in these countries is significantly higher than the EU average, and trade flow between the V4 and Germany is 55 percent higher than German-French trade flow. Last year, economic growth was some 5 percent, and the target continues to be for growth to exceed the EU average by at least two percent”.

In the interview, Mr. Menczer drew attention to the fact that the governing parties of the four Visegrád Group countries belong to four different party families. “Simple logic would dictate that this should be a source of conflict between them, and that their cooperation should not be problem-free. But this is not the case”, the State Secretary emphasised.

“We have recognised our common interests and values, and as a result we are in full agreement with relation to all vital issues, because common sense is more important than differing party affiliations. These governments and countries recognise the interests of their countries and the V4. The security of countries and of all of Europe is related to common sense, not part affiliation”, the State Secretary told Remix.