“In recent days the Vice-President of the European Commission, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights and the President of the Venice Commission have established ‘George Soros’s pro-immigration united front’, but the Hungarian Government will fight against international pressure and will protect the people of Hungary from illegal immigration”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó said on Tuesday in Stockholm.

The Minister was in the Swedish capital attending a meeting of foreign ministers from the NB8 countries, comprising the Visegrád Group (V4) and eight Northern European and Baltic states, and was reacting to the fact that on Monday UN High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice-President of the European Commission Federica Mogherini called immigration “vitally important” to the European Union, explaining that there are sectors that without immigration would cease to function from one day to the next.

“The Vice-President of the European Commission has uncovered Brussels for good and has made it permanently clear that instead of wanting to stop immigration, Brussels cannot in fact imagine the future of the European Union without immigration”, Mr. Szijjártó declared.

“It would seem that the Vice-President of the European Commission is standing with her back towards European processes, because making such a claim after 29 people with immigrant backgrounds have committed terrorist attacks claiming 330 lives and injuring 1300 people is simply astonishing”, he said.

“It isn’t immigration that is vitally important, but restoring the security of the European people”, Mr. Szijjártó stressed, adding that it is not true that Europe cannot function without immigration, but in contrast if we do not succeed in stopping immigration then there will no longer be “a European Europe”.

“Accordingly, in the upcoming period we must fight against the position of the European Commission and make it clear that immigration must be stopped, because it is only then that we can preserve Europe as European”, the Hungarian Foreign Minister declared.

In the interests of this, he will be proposing to his Austrian counterpart that the question of how the Vice-President of the European Commission can represent a position that obviously does not have the backing of all EU member states, including Hungary, should be included on the agenda of the very first foreign ministers’ meeting of the Austrian Presidency of the Council of the European Union, which begins on 1 July, he told the press.

Mr. Szijjártó also spoke about the fact that the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights also wants to flood Europe with immigrants, while the President of the Venice Commission wants to strip Hungary’s Parliament of its sovereign right to decide for itself on security issues that fundamentally influence the future and security of Hungary.

“Accordingly, it must be made clear that the Hungarian Government will not back down, will fight against the major pressure that international powers are attempting to exert on Hungary, and will protect the people of Hungary from illegal immigration and its associated dangers”, he said. “We will adopt the Stop Soros Act, which assures that we will continue to be able to protect Hungary’s southern borders and safeguard the security of the Hungarian people”, Mr. Szijjártó declared.