“Brussels and certain Western member states of the European Union have given themselves away, because while it has become clear that migration can not only be stopped on dry land, but also on the Mediterranean, they are continuously and openly supporting people smuggling”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó declared on Monday in Brussels in a recess of a meeting of EU foreign ministers.

In a statement to Hungarian reporters, Mr. Szijjártó emphasised: “Is has become clear that the goal and interest of Brussels and certain Western European countries is nothing other than for as many immigrants as possible to come to Europe”.

He drew attention to the fact that the pro-immigration forces are on the offensive, and EU member states that support this have openly taken the side of the people smugglers. “It is clear that internationally organised people smuggling is occurring on the Mediterranean that is being supported by political instruments”, he declared.

He underlined that there are two possible solutions for Europe with relation to migration.” It can either take the side of the people smugglers, or it can occupy a position that corresponds to that of Matteo Salvini, and also the Hungarians, which is calling for it to only be possible to enter Europe legally” he explained.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade declared that people smuggling and the activities of non-governmental organisations that are performing people smuggling activities are causing new waves of migration to set out towards Europe. “Because this policy is encouraging people to pay people smugglers and board boats, because they know the non-governmental organisations’ ships will save them and take them to an Italian or Maltese port”, he said.

He added that in turn a new wave of immigration will be a good excuse for its former supporters to once again begin arguing in favour of a mandatory mechanism for distributing migrants among member states on the basis of quotas. “In this respect, the people of Hungary have occupied a clear position: Hungary will not be supporting any king of quota proposal and will not be implementing any kind of quota either now or in future”, he underlined.

Countries that wish to distribute the migrants who arrive in Europe among themselves are “playing with fire”, because they are endangering “Europe’s Europeanness, future, culture and identity”, the Minister added, calling it scandalous and shocking that people who violate national sovereignty, people smugglers whose activities are endangering people’s lives, including those of border guards, are hailed in Europe as heroes. “If the EU were to make it clear that Europe can only be entered legally, that would truly enable the saving of people’s lives”, he underlined.

In the statement, Mr. Szijjártó also declared that he regards Ukraine’s new President, Volodymyr Zelensky as a new hope, and trusts that the new head of state’s earlier, encouraging statement will become reality. He highlighted the fact that if the new President’s statements do indeed turn into real action and the Hungarian Transcarpathian are given back their rights, then Hungary will be glad to return to a closer cooperation with Ukraine. “Hungary can see an opportunity for this after the new President takes office, but it is also clear that there are many who do not have an interest in good Ukrainian-Hungarian relations”, he added.

“The procedure with which an aggressive police search of the homes of the leaders of Hungarian Transcarpathian organisations was held on Monday morning is unprecedented, unacceptable and un-European”, the Minister declared. “It is also in the interests of Transcarpathian Hungarians that Hungary would like its future relations with Ukraine to return to normal, and for the new Ukrainian President to also be able to be a partner in this”, Mr. Szijjártó added.

In addition to discussing urgent international issues, including the situations in the Sudan, Ethiopia and Venezuela, the EU foreign ministers attending Monday’s meeting also discussed the future of the Iran nuclear agreement, possible EU responses to the “illegal” Turkish test drilling begun off the coast of Cyprus, and the issue of migration.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade/MTI)