Brussels must be stopped, we must put an end to the violent immigration policy that is contrary to the will of the European people, Péter Szijjártó told public broadcaster Kossuth Rádió.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade takes the view that one of the biggest problems of the European Union is that the European political elite is pursuing a policy which completely disregards the opinion of the European people and often goes against their will. All political organisations which are formed against the will of the people "become fatally debilitated sooner or later”, and this is what one may observe in the case of the EU as well, he said.

He believes that the EU’s flawed immigration policy is now even jeopardising the unity of the EU as Brussels’ immigration policy clearly influenced the outcome of the British referendum in an undesirable direction. This, too, indicates that "Brussels must be stopped”, we must put an end to "the violent immigration policy that is contrary to the will of the European people”, he stressed.

According to Mr Szijjártó, the best method to regain the strength of the continent is to pursue a policy that takes the people’s will into consideration. In Hungary, too, a referendum will be held regarding the mandatory settlement quotas because this is an issue of great importance on which the people have to state their opinions, he pointed out. He added: the European people have every reason to demand the right to decide themselves on issues which fundamentally determine the future of Europe, including Hungary in it, and in the most democratic possible manner at that.

As he said, the result of the British referendum "clearly shocked the continent”, but this effect should be used for Europe and the European institutions to wake up and see clearly that the European policy which they have pursued to date – most of all, the policy regarding immigration – is not tenable. However, the institutions of the EU do not wish to use this shock effect in the interest of a change for the better, but want to reinforce a policy instead which will lead to the fatal debilitation of the EU, he explained.

The Foreign Minister stated regarding the proposals made by American businessman György Soros with a view to addressing the immigration situation: "it is quite shocking” that a billionaire should recommend that the institutions of the EU should take money away from the European people, and especially the Central-Europeans, in order to finance the illegal immigrants arriving in Europe. György Soros’s proposal would take billions of euros away from Hungary and the Hungarian people, as it suggests that the EU should cut the grants that we are eligible for, he said. He added: "thank you very much, but no, thank you”.

It is on account of proposals like these and the EU’s immigration policy that the Hungarian referendum is more timely than ever, he took the view. He highlighted: we must make clear that "we do not want” any of these proposals and policies.

Mr Szijjártó believes that the immigration crisis amply demonstrated that "here, in Central-Europe, we still have the get-up-and-go”, if needs be, we are able to show solidarity towards one another, and "we are able to conquer a crazy policy”. "Common sense prevails in these countries”, and the Central-Europeans will not accept a proposal where the money we are entitled to would be taken away from us in order to finance illegal immigrants, he said.

The Minister takes the view that it is an entirely flawed idea that immigration would have a positive effect of any kind on the EU.

Regarding the free trade agreements, he pointed out: the Hungarian economy is open, and foreign trade relations have a fundamental impact on the performance of the national economy. Therefore, the Hungarian economy has an interest in the possibility of free trade in the widest possible sense in general. But we must protect our market and our economy, and "there is no point in creating free trade without sense or reason”. We must make progress also on this issue with due consideration, and common sense, he took the view. He added: Hungary supports the EU’s free trade negotiations on a theoretical level, but always solely with a view to the best interests of the European and the Hungarian economy.

Mr Szijjártó said: in contrast to Brussels’ concept, the free trade agreement to be concluded with Canada must also be ratified by the national parliaments.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade)