Brussels’ migration policy which is based on half-solutions has failed, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó stated at his press conference held on Thursday in Budapest, in response to reports that Turkey is contemplating the termination of the agreement it concluded with the EU.

In the Minister’s evaluation, building Europe’s security solely on the migration deal, whilst criticising the Turks and not doing anything in the interest of reinforcing the protection of our borders is an unreasonable policy which has clearly failed.

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As he said, while the EU staked everything on this one deal, it was evident right from the beginning that the agreement will not be able to address the issue of illegal mass migration in the long run. In his view, by virtue of this deal, Brussels did nothing other than place Europe’s security in the hands of the Turkish Government and the Turkish President.

Mr Szijjártó concluded: it is an enormous mistake that ever since the conclusion of the agreement, European leaders „seem to have launched a competition” in who can criticise and attack the Turkish President and Government louder and harder. „We believe it is an even bigger mistake that Europe failed to take advantage of the more flexible situation that existed in the interim”, he highlighted, saying: not a single step has been taken with a view to the protection of the southern borders, despite the fact that there would have been plenty of time and opportunity to do so.

If thousands of immigrants appear at the borders once again, the EU would be unable to do anything, the same as a few months or years ago, the Minister explained.

Mr Szijjártó argued in favour of the reinforcement of the legal and physical border closure as the right measure. He took the view that the construction of the second fence and the introduction of legal solutions, such as immigration detention, are important also with reference to the vulnerability of the EU’s migration policy. „There is great trouble”, the Minister said who called into question the suitability of some Brussels officials at the same time.

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The Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade said in answer to a question concerning the Dutch-Turkish dispute: Hungary is understanding as regards the problem as a great many Hungarian nationals live beyond our borders with whom Hungarian government officials and politicians maintain contact. „We find it unusual and regrettable that such a conflict emerged on such an issue between two NATO allies”, he remarked, adding: this may also have an impact on security policy cooperation.

Mr Szijjártó said in evaluation of the Dutch elections: he respects the outcome of the elections and congratulates the Prime Minister on the number one position. At the same time, he is also happy that the Christian Democrats did well as well. He wished Dutch political leaders all the success they can have in the formation of a stable government as they will need a minimum four-party coalition in order to reach a stable parliamentary majority.

The Minister was also asked about the decision of the European Court. In reply, he said it is nonsense that a Member State is condemned for observing the EU regulations. The regulations clearly lay down, he continued, that if anyone arrives in an EU Member State as an illegal immigrant and applies for the refugee status there, he or she is required to await the conclusion of the procedure in the territory of that country. Hungary adopted decisions in the interest of complying with this, he stressed.

The Minister also pointed out in answer to another question: the EU should have made clear that the migration agreement has no bearing on the plans for granting Turkey visa-free travel.