“We have seen a lot in recent years from pro-immigration bureaucrats, but never have we seen them wanting to organise migration in a secret document, and a secret document proving that they lied previously”, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade’s Minister of State for Information and Hungary’s International Image Tamás Menczer said on Hungarian M1 television’s Tuesday morning current affairs program.

Mr. Menczer referred to the leaked document of the European Commission’s Legal Service, which investigates how the UN Global Compact for Migration could be made mandatory throughout the European Union, pointing out that the Global Compact wants to organise migration at a global level and Brussels claimed that the Compact will not be mandatory, and only includes recommendations, but 9 EU member states did not vote to adopt the package regardless.

“Following this, a Brussels document was leaked that examined how the Compact may be made mandatory, and according to the conclusions of the study, the UN Global Compact for Migration can and must be made mandatory for all EU member states through ‘convoluted legal arguments’, including for those member states that did not vote in favour of the Compact”, the Minister of State said.

“All this proves that Brussels pro-immigration politicians have not been telling the truth until now”, declared Mr. Menczer, adding: “Light has been shed on the biggest Brussels lie so far”, quoting Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó.

Speaking on Kossuth Radio’s “Good Morning, Hungary!” show, Mr. Menczer spoke about the fact that immediately following Mr. Szijjártó’s speech, the Polish and Austrian parties immediately took the side of Hungary, and also expressed their concerns with relation to the leaked document at Monday’s meeting of EU foreign ministers in Brussels. “At the meeting, a European Commission representative said the study had not been prepared to order, but this explanation isn’t very plausible”, he added.