“Central Europe has a good chance of being among the winners of the new world order that will come about following the coronavirus pandemic”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó said on Tuesday in the southern Polish city of Wadowice, the birthplace of Saint John Paul II.

“During the pandemic, Hungary, Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia proved the great extent of their solidarity and reinforced their relations with each other despite the challenges”, the Minister said at a joint press conference of Visegrád Group (V4) foreign ministers, in which Polish Foreign Minister Jacek Czaputowicz, Czech Foreign Minister Tomás Petříček and Slovakia’s chief diplomat Ivan Korčok also took part.

“Many companies have been forced to close their plants as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, and in their case, the question of optimising or migrating production my arise prior to recommencing their business activities”, Mr. Szijjártó pointed out. “As a result, following the end of the pandemic a global economic competition will begin for the redistribution of capacities, and the attractiveness of countries that offer good investment conditions, meaning low taxes, political stability and developed infrastructure, will increase”, he added. “The countries of the Visegrád Group have suitable foundations, and if they succeed in maintaining rational economic policies and in guaranteeing a secure business environment, then they could be on the winning side in the capacity redistribution competition”, he underlined.

According to Mr Szijjártó, the V4 countries are offering enterprises that are planning on investing conditions that are uniquely good even in global comparison. “The situation that has developed as a result of the global pandemic is yet another argument in favour of accelerating EU enlargement”, the Hungarian Foreign Minister emphasised. According to the Minister, the European Union must grow if it wants to occupy a strong position within the new world order, and this requires the soonest possible accession of Serbia and Montenegro. “Long-term stability in the Western Balkans is inconceivable within maintaining the credibility of European integration”, he pointed out.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade / MTI)