Changes are needed in Brussels, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade stated on Kossuth Radio’s programme 180 minutes and on the public service television news channel M1.

Péter Szijjártó said regarding the Sunday interview with German social democratic leader Andrea Nahles that German social democratic leaders, too, are responsible for Europe finding itself in such an “exposed” situation, and that it is still struggling with illegal immigration. He added that he nonetheless agrees with Andrea Nahles on that there will be much at stake in next year’s EP elections because people will be able to strengthen the European Union and the countries comprising it.

Concepts which seek to weaken Member States are dead-end streets, the Minister pointed out. European politics has always encouraged those considering illegal immigration to set out, to pay for the services of people smugglers and to board “unseaworthy boats” at the shores of North Africa because they can settle down in Europe. We must make it clear that this is not the case, the politician said.

Mr Szijjártó highlighted that for more than three years the Hungarian government has been compelled to listen to the argument in Brussels that the flow of migrants cannot be stopped, and that we must think about ways to distribute illegal immigrants. At its southern border Hungary has proved that the flow of illegal immigration can be stopped on land. Additionally, Italy and Australia have proved that migration can also be stopped at sea. Australia has reduced the number of illegal immigrants reaching its shores to zero, he said. The Minister pointed out that illegal immigration must now be stopped in the Mediterranean as well.

Regarding his meeting with his Italian counterpart Enzo Moavero Milanesi last week, Mr Szijjártó said the Hungarian and Italian governments agree that the policy which invites illegal immigrants to Europe must be stopped in the European Union. He said in answer to a question that if requested by Italy, Hungary is ready to help with the renovation and reconstruction works following the collapse of the Genoa motorway bridge with its technical expertise and experience.

(Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister/MTI)