“Hungary’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade strongly condemns the wave of terrorist attacks which have taken place in Afghanistan – both in the capital and in the provinces – since the beginning of August. These have overwhelmingly targeted civilians, and among the hundreds of casualties – which have included a large number of women and children – at least eighty people have died.

These deadly attacks have been carried out at a time when the National Unity Government of Afghanistan has been making huge efforts to direct conflict to the path of negotiations and to launch the process of Afghan reconciliation.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade expresses its deepest condolences to the relatives of the victims. Hungary confirms its support for the efforts of the Government of Afghanistan to stabilise the country and create the conditions necessary for peace and development. Through its participation in NATO’s Resolute Support Mission and its financial support to the Afghan National Defence and Security Forces, Hungary continues to contribute to international efforts aimed at the stabilisation of Afghanistan.”

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade/MTI)