“The airlift between China and Hungary is functioning well; the goods required for healthcare protection against the coronavirus epidemic are being continuously shipped from China’s major cities”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó stated on Monday in a pre-agenda report in Parliament.

According to Mr. Szijjártó, over the past week Chinese goods have arrived in Hungary aboard 20 aeroplanes and 5 heavy goods vehicles, via other European airports. “9,820,600 face masks were shipped to Hungary during this past week, coming to a total of 86,247,290 since the outbreak of the epidemic. In addition, there are contractual obligations concerning the shipment of a further 62,500,150”, the Minister stated, adding: “Hungary also imported 215 respirators this week, and imports of the equipment required for their operation has also begun, including 900 patient observation monitors and 120 central monitors”. “A total of 20,096,845 pieces of personal protective equipment, including isolation jackets, caps, gloves and protective visors, arrived over the past week, coming to a total of 51,498,105 to date, with contracts for a further 8.086.991”, he continued.

“The application of test kits is continuing to occur in accordance with the recommendations of the World Health organisation (WHO)”, the Minister said, indicating that Hungary had imported 1,021,112 tests over the past week and has valid contracts for the shipment of a further 1,994,137. He also reported on the fact that a contract has been concluded in China concerning the acquisition of another 400 thousand favipiravir tablets.

In addition to China, the Minister also expressed his thanks to Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan for enabling technical landings in the case of shipments bound for Budapest.

“The regular shipments will continue to assure the continuous supply of equipment, in view of the fact that all Hungarians are responsible for all Hungarians, and accordingly all Hungarians, including cross-border Hungarians, can count on us”, Mr. Szijjártó emphasised.

He also reported on the fact that last week Hungary received a donation of 110 thousand face masks, in addition to which it shipped 50 thousand masks to the Vatican at the request of the Holy See to protect the health of elderly priests and people serving in the Papal German-Hungarian College (Collegium Germanicum et Hungaricum).

The Minister noted that following the global pandemic governments will have to consider the fact that the development of their own air freight transport capacities could contribute to a state’s strength. “Several conclusions will have to be drawn following the epidemic, but it can already be stated that it may not be expedient if a whole continent is at the mercy of an external factor with relation to a strategic sector”, he added.

Mr. Szijjártó also mentioned that sources within international political life are reporting on how certain countries are easing the restrictions they have introduced because of the coronavirus pandemic. “The debate on this will last a long time, but what is certain is that the stricter the restrictions, the more slowly the virus will spread”, he stated.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade / MTI)