“A terrorist attack with an immigrant background occurred in France on Friday”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó said on Saturday in Dunakeszi.

At a press conference outside the city’s town hall, the Minister said the terrorist attack on Friday had left 4 people dead and fifteen injured, adding that the perpetrator was born in Morocco and had received French citizenship at the age of twelve.

This is another terrorist attack that has been committed by someone with an immigrant background, increasing the number of terrorist attacks committed in Europe over the past two and a half years by immigrants to 28, he added.
There are no reports of any Hungarians having been injured in the attack, he informed the press.

Mr. Szijjártó expressed his condolences to France and declared that France will always be able to count on Hungary in the fight against terrorism.

The Minister explained that Friday’s terrorist attack also clearly proves that “there is an extremely close relationship between immigration and terrorism”, adding that some terrorists have arrived in Europe illegally over the course of the past two and a half years, but others are former immigrants whose social integration has failed.

“Instead of accepting European values, they became believers in and propagators of religious radicalism”, Mr. Szijjártó added.

The Foreign Minister also said that despite the terrorist attacks committed by people with immigrant backgrounds, the UN’s position is that migration contributes to the advancement of humanity.

“In contrast, the Hungarian position is that immigration is not good and is not useful, but is life-threatening, and a national government’s single most important duty is to protect its own citizens from all possible dangers”, Mr. Szijjártó said.

“We will not allow illegal immigrants to enter Europe, and accordingly we will not allow terrorists to enter Hungary”, the Foreign Minister declared.