“Hungary greatly appreciates those African countries that have done a lot to ensure that migration pressure is not placed on Europe, and who by doing so are contributing to European security”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó said on Thursday in Budapest following talks with Cabo Verde’s Minister of Foreign Affairs and Communities and Minister of Defence Luís Filipe Tavares.

At the press conference following the meeting, Mr. Szijjártó declared: “People who are striving to inspire further waves of migration are making it easier for mercenary terrorists to return to Europe; this is irresponsible politics”.

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“Now that the international coalition has beaten back the Islamic State, the terrorist organisations has changed its tactics significantly: it has begun sending its mercenary fighters who came from European countries back to the continent”, the Minister said.

“Countries that do not want to be source or transit countries of migration, and which take their border security seriously, must be supported”, he stated.

“Cabo Verde is one such country”, he pointed out.

“Within the framework of its Southern Opening policy, Hungary is placing emphasis on tightening relations with certain African countries with which there is an opportunity to cooperate”, Mr Szijjártó said.

“Cabo Verde is proud of its Christian identity, would like to preserve its national, cultural and religious heritage, and is practicing responsible politics”, he listed, adding: “Hungary and the Republic of Cabo Verde have a similar approach to migration”. The Minister said that in his opinion the Republic of Cabo Verde is a refutation of the generalising Brussels approach according to which African countries want to send as many people as possible to Europe.

“The Republic of Cabo Verde represents a different politics, however”, he said. “The EU’s interests dictate that the population retention capacity of African countries should increase parallel to the increase in their populations”, the Foreign Minister stressed. “It is important to cooperate with African countries that are not calling for the establishment of so-called legalised migration channels”, he stated.

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“Hungary supports the conclusion of an agreement on visa-free travel between Cabo Verde and the EU, as well as the Portuguese initiative according to which the EU should provide five million euros to the country for border defence development and sign a bilateral economic agreement with it”, Mr. Szijjártó said.

“Hungary is helping Cabo Verde to retain its dynamically increasing population, which requires development projects. Hungary is assuring that Hungarian enterprises perform 35 million dollars’ worth of water industry investment projects in the country within the framework of a tied aid agreement. The texts of the economic cooperation and investment protection agreements have been finalised, and they will be signed during Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s visit in March”, the Minister stated. “In addition, we also agreed to sign a treaty on avoiding dual taxation”, he added.

“The Republic of Cabo Verde will be appointing an honorary consul to Hungary”, he noted. Mr. Szijjártó also spoke about the fact that Hungary is providing ten scholarship places for students from the country to study at Hungarian universities, in addition to which music education at basic and mid-level in Cabo Verde is being conducted according to the Kodály Method.

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Luís Filipe Tavares stressed that Cabo Verde is striving to find ways to encourage its population to stay in the country. “The Republic of Cabo Verde is a Christian country that has strong ties to the EU. It’s relations with Hungary are excellent, in view of the fact that the two countries maintain similar values”, he pointed out.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade/MTI)