According to Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó, it is still the countries who are complying with EU regulations and who openly identify the challenges faced that are under attack within the European Union.

In a statement issued to Hungarian news agency MTI on Wednesday, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade pointed out that internet news sites had reported on Italian Foreign Minister Paolo Gentiloni’s critical statements “against Hungary and other countries that are not prepared to accept the quotas”. Of the printed media, the Wednesday edition of Italian daily La Stampa also published the Italian Minister’s criticism of Hungary.

Paolo Gentiloni called Hungary’s actions with regard to migrants “shocking”. “This is practically a slap in the face to us, who believed in the European Union’s enlargement policy”, the Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs said.

The Italian Minister made a further, indirect reference to Hungary’s standpoint when he explained: Europe was there when needed to help those countries who “now do not want to take on their share of efforts and solidarity”, adding that “The political solution should not be aimed at putting a stop to the problem, but at handling it”.

In the statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Mr. Szijjártó said: “What’s shocking is that it is still the countries who are complying with EU regulations, who openly identify the challenges faced and who want to provide real solutions to mass migration, that are under attack within the European Union. Hungary is protecting its borders, and it would be good if every country that has a Schengen border acted similarly”.

According to the Foreign Minister, Hungary is continuously proving its solidarity by “protecting the Schengen border with all its might and by registering and caring for the immigrants”. Those who are perpetually busy attacking other countries can hardly be described as acting in solidarity, however.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade)