Deputy Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó met Thomas O. Melia, Deputy Assistant Secretary at the US State Department, for talks in Budapest on Wednesday, the Hungarian foreign ministry told MTI in a statement.

The talks focused on subjects including the Ukraine crisis and issues around the management of grants from Norway's Civil Fund.

DownloadPhoto: Károly Árvai

According to the statement, Mr Szijjártó told his negotiating partner that Hungary is interested in a politically and economically stable Ukraine, in which ethnic minority rights are respected, and voiced Hungary's readiness to support Ukraine's efforts.

Concerning the Norway Grants issue, Mr Szijjártó said that "public funds must be managed in a legal and transparent way". On another subject, the state secretary referred to US-Hungary ties as a success story, and noted that the number of jobs created in Hungary by American ventures has now exceeded 90,000.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade)