On 18 August Deputy State Secretary for European and American Affairs Kristóf Altusz hosted a meeting, with a U.S. congressional delegation led by Rep. Steve Chabot (R-O), Chairman of the House Small Business Committee. The congressional delegation visited Hungary as part of a Central and Eastern European regional tour.

Congressman Chabot and Deputy State Secretary Altusz reviewed avenues of opportunity for further development of the two countries’ successful economic cooperation, with specific emphasis on promoting investment by American small and medium-sized enterprises in Hungary. Also high on their meeting’s agenda were the current status of negotiations on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), and Hungary’s energy security and supply routes.

Mr. Chabot and Mr. Altusz both agreed that, once in effect, the free trade agreement would pave the way for a future strengthening of bilateral trade and investment relations.  Mr. Chabot gave his personal assessment of the upcoming US presidential election, which he said would be a close contest between the Republicans and Democrats.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade)