The Audi Hungaria School in Győr will be expanded and developed within a project to be completed by June next year. About one fourth of the investment is covered by European Union and state funding, officials told Tuesday at the cornerstone laying ceremony for the new building.

DownloadPhoto: Csaba KRIZSÁN, MTI

The cooperation between Hungary and Audi has reached a new level: this investment in education made Audi an indispensible part of the country’s renewal, emphasized Péter Szijjártó, State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade at the event. He reminded that the renewal of public education was a prime objective of the Government since 2010.

The politician stressed that we need to continuously react to the changing world; the Hungarian Government did exactly that when decided to reindustrialize the country four years ago, setting the objective that Hungary should become the production centre of Europe.

DownloadPhoto: Csaba KRIZSÁN, MTIThe flagship of this endeavour is the automotive industry, which is in “excellent form” nowadays, accounting for 28 percent of the output of the domestic processing industry and one fifth of our export, said Péter Szijjártó.
Thomas Sigi, board member for human resources of Audi AG told at the event that Hungarian workers are well-educated, motivated and committed, and the Győr plant, which covers the entire process chain of automotive production since last summer, is a "strategic pillar of the Volkswagen Group’s entire family", and also one of the largest companies of the region, attracting the most talented employees as magnet.

DownloadPhoto: Csaba KRIZSÁN, MTI

Thomas Faustmann, Chief Executive of Audi Hungaria Motor Kft. called attention to the fact that the alliance of Audi, the Hungarian State and Győr demonstrates that "we can do great things together".
Mayor Zsolt Borkai emphasized that the government of Győr always supported the idea of founding this school, and will do their best to contribute to its future success.

Founded in 2010, the school will almost triple in size, to about 10,000 m2, after the expansion, and its old sections, built in the ‘60s and ’70s of the last century, will be modernized, and a new multifunctional hall will also be added to it. The number of pupils may increase to 650 from the current 350 children as a result of the project.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade)