The Dublin system is “dead” as, with a few exceptions apart, no one observes its provisions relating to entry, and therefore there is no reason why the rules relating to the repatriation of asylum-seekers should be applied, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó told the Hungarian News Agency, MTI.

The Minister responded to the decision, based on which Germany will repeatedly apply the rules relating to the repatriation of asylum-seekers; in other words, Germany would send them back to the Member State in which they entered the territory of the EU. The Germany Interior Ministry announced on Tuesday: Berlin will apply the rules concerning the repatriation of asylum-seekers in relation to every country of origin, including Syria, and will enforce them vis-à-vis all EU Member States participating in the Dublin regime with the exception of Greece.

Mr Szijjártó highlighted that if a person sets out from Syria for Europe, it is physically out of the question that they should first enter the European Union in the territory of Hungary. There is therefore no reason to repatriate a single Syrian to Hungary, he added.

The Minister also mentioned the fact that the pressure on the EU began to increase significantly when German politicians made irresponsible statements which some migrants construed as an invitation.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade/MTI)