Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó said at the Hungarian - Kazakh business forum on Wednesday in Astana that political cooperation between Hungary and Kazakhstan is excellent, and this serves as a solid basis for building economic relations between the two countries.

The Minister emphasised in his opening address that Kazakhstan is Hungary’s important trading partner but there are still plenty of opportunities for strengthening economic relations. He believes that both Central Europe and Kazakhstan are dynamically growing areas of the region.

Péter Szijjártó recalled that the Eastern Opening policy of the Hungarian government had opened the doors ahead of strengthening relations. The Hungarian government always backs the strengthening of relations between the two countries and thus economic cooperation, he emphasised, and encouraged Hungarian and Kazakh businessmen to use the opportunity for networking.

He explained that two agreements are to be signed to further improve cooperation. The agreement on establishment of the strategic council will facilitate the improvement of political relations. Furthermore, a fund will be created to promote cooperation between Hungarian and Kazakh companies, and Eximbank will also support networking between the companies, he added.

The Minister also mentioned that the aim of the Hungarian government is to increase the number of Hungarian small- and medium-sized enterprises that could effectively contribute to exports, and thus to building relations with Kazakhstan.

During his official visit in Astana, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and Prime Minister of Kazakhstan Karim Massimov will also hold speeches at the business forum.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade)