The Estonian Embassy in Budapest was officially reopened on Friday in the capital’s 2nd District.

At the event, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade’s Parliamentary State Secretary Levente Magyar said 1918 “wasn’t really the high-point of Hungarian history” and didn’t bring too much joy and cause for celebration. “It is difficult to think back on those times”, he added.

“Accordingly, the Hungarians greatly appreciate finding something that can be celebrated on the 100th anniversary of 1918,  and one such thing is Estonian independence”, he stated.

Mr. Magyar said his wish is that the Estonian Embassy in Budapest stands

“until the end of time”.

Estonian Ambassador to Budapest Kristi Karelsohn recalled that the embassy first moved into the building in 2009.

She expressed her satisfaction at the fact that the building is one again filled with life, after having been empty for four years.

She pointed out that the Embassy is returning to the building on Estonia’s 100th birthday.

State Secretary for European Affairs from the Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Matti Maasikas said he found the official reopening ceremony deeply moving.

“Hungary is also present in Tallinn again”, he added.

The Hungarian Government announced in 2014 that it will be closing its embassy in the Estonian capital, stressing that the Hungarian Cultural Institution Tallinn will continue to perform its duties.

A Government Decree published in July of this year stated that the Hungarian Embassy in Tallinn will be re-opened.