“The Esztergom freight ferry will begin operating again from Tuesday morning”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó announced on his social media page on Monday.

“Assuring as unhindered as possible freight transport was always an important aspect during the course of the restrictions introduced because of the coronavirus epidemic”, Mr. Szijjártó wrote. “There is always heavy freight traffic along the Slovakian-Hungarian border, which is not surprising in view of the fact that Slovakia is Hungary’s number two export market, and the two countries realised over 10 billion euros in trade flow last year”, he emphasised. “State Secretary Pál Völner from the Ministry of Justice has been calling for the reopening of the freight ferry linking Esztergom and Štúrovo (Párkány) for weeks now, which could significantly reduce the load on other border crossing points, as well as making life easier for enterprises in the area. “The negotiations have eventually resulted in success, and the Esztergom freight ferry will begin operating again from 6 a.m. on Tuesday morning”, Mr. Szijjártó highlighted.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade/MTI)