“Europe needs new leaders, ones who recognise the interests of the European people and are capable of protecting those”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó said in reaction to the statement by the President of the European Commission.

Jean-Clause Juncker published a statement in the Monday morning edition of German daily Berliner Morgenpost, in which he promised to take action personally during the European Parliament (EP) election campaign against unfounded pieces of news aimed at the European Union (EU) or the community’s proposal-making and implementating institution, the Brussels body he heads. According to the report published in the paper, the President of the European Commission cited the Hungarian Prime Minister as an example, stating: According to Viktor Orbán, he (Mr. Juncker) is responsible for the termination of Great Britain’s EU membership (Brexit), whereas there is compelling proof of the opposite.

In a statement to Hungarian news agency MTI, Mr. Szijjártó underlined that the Europeans have no need of shepherding, as Jean-Claude Juncker believes, and according to the Hungarian Foreign Minster this is patronizing to the European people. “The people of Europe know exactly what they want, and they will be telling us their opinions at the May elections”, he added. “It is, however, a fact that Jean-Claude Juncker has failed as a European leader”, the Hungarian Minister declared. “He was incapable of keeping the British in the community and was incapable of keeping the migrants outside the European Union’s borders”, he pointed out. Mr. Szijjártó stressed that the Hungarian Government will continue to undertake the fight against the pro-immigration politicians.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade/MTI)