“The citizens of the European Union have a right to know that the European Commission is preparing a secret plan behind their backs to further undermine the continent’s security”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó said on Kossuth Radio’s “Good Morning, Hungary!” show on Monday.

Mr. Szijjártó was asked about the document prepared by the European Commission’s Legal Service on the consequences of the UN Global Compact for Migration adopted in December.

“This is the greatest lie told by Brussels so far with relation to migration”, the Minister said, confirming his previous statement.

Mr. Szijjártó announced that he has officially called for the issue of what secret plants the European Commission has prepared concerning migration based on its mandate, and what the goals of these plans are, to be discussed as an extraordinary agenda item at next week’s meeting of EU foreign ministers, and for those plans to be made public and the preparation of such plans to stop.

The Minister said it was common knowledge that the intention of Brussels was to push the UN Global Compact for Migration down the throats of all European countries. “Practically every debate in the UN last year was about this Compact, which Hungary was the first EU country to reject, and with relation to which eight other European countries later also made a similar decision”, he said.

He stressed that prior to the vote Brussels continuously attempted to deceive countries by stating that there is no need to protest against the Compact, because it will not be legally binding, but in the event the adopted Compact includes the world mandatory eighty times.

According to the Hungarian Foreign Minister, New York and Brussels are working on making the Global Compact for Migration a basis of reference “in parts, through the back door” at the meetings and in the declarations of various international organisations.

He recalled that in the preparation phase Hungary was continuously threatened with infringement proceedings in an attempt to prevent it from impeding a joint European position. “And now they are attempting to do everything possible to make the Compact mandatory for everyone”, he declared.

Mr. Szijjártó also drew attention to the fact that the material published by the European Commission’s Legal Service contains false references in view of the fact that migration policy falls within a national sphere of competence.

He highlighted the fact that the UN Global Compact for Migration “does nothing other than legalise illegal migration, and according to its definition declare that every country in the world must participate in migration”.

He stressed that the Hungarian people have a right to make it clear that they do not want to live in an immigrant country, and that they do not believe that migration is a fundamental human right.

According to Mr. Szijjártó, the endeavour of the European Commission is dangerous, because if the Global Compact for Migration is made mandatory then for instance migrants would have to be provided with the same services as people who live on a country’s territory legally and pay taxes there.

“And this would further inspire migration processes, which in turn would increase the threat of terrorism”, he added.

The Foreign Minister confirmed that Hungary continues to maintain that humanitarian aid must be taken to where the trouble is. As an example of this objective, he mentioned the Hungary Helps Program, within the framework of which Hungary is providing over 7 billion forints (EUR 22.2 million) in aid to Christian communities in the Middle East so that they do not need to emigrate.