“All European leaders must stop using doublespeak with relation to the handling of the migration crisis”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó told Hungarian news agency MTI on Wednesday.

The Minister was reacting to a statement by Austrian Minister of Interior Johanna Mikl-Leitner on Tuesday according to which technical work ‘of a construction nature” will commence along Austria’s southern border in preparation for a possible worsening of the situation. On Wednesday, the Austrian politician said “we are of course talking about a fence”. These facilities will help refugees cross the border in an orderly and controlled fashion, she added.

Minister of Defence Gerald Klug said he thought it could be possible to use containers or a mobile fence to shepherd refugees in a controlled manner.

He stressed, however, that one should not ignore humane treatment, because in his view Hungary had “overstepped the borders of humaneness” with the fence it has built.

In a statement issued to Hungarian news agency MTI, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó stressed with regard to the above: “All European leaders, including the Austrian Minister of Interior and Minister of Defence, must stop using doublespeak”.

“Austria has made astounding accusations against Hungary because of the fence, and look what’s happening now?! Austria is constructing a fence along the Austrian-Slovenian border”, he added.

“Vienna has criticised Hungary because of the fence in recent months, but a few days ago the Austrian Minister of Foreign Affairs admitted that the Hungarian model was a success. Austria is now building its own fence, but claims that it isn’t like the Hungarian fence; it’s a different kind of fence”, he said.

In Minister Szijjártó’s view, it would then seem that “In Europe you can build two types of fence and apply double standards”. This must be put to a stop, he added.

“Hungary is the only country that is complying with European regulations and it is time that the other countries also adhered to EU law”, he explained.

“Hungary is capable of protecting its borders with the support of the other V4 countries, and the 28 member states of the European Union should work together in a similar fashion to protect Greece’s borders”, the Minister pointed out.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade)