“Every decision made by Europe’s politicians must be aimed at restoring the security of the European citizens and the European Union”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó said following official negotiations with Cypriot Foreign Minister Ioannis Kasoulidis in Budapest.

At the press conference following the meeting, Mr. Szijjártó told reporters that in view of Tuesday’s events in Brussels, the main point foe discussion at the meeting was security. “The parties agreed that the primary criteria that all EU policy, decisions and political leaders must concentrate on is restoring the security of Europe and the European people”, he said. According to the Hungarian Foreign Minister, the parties also agreed that the wave of migration that has been the cause of the greatest ever threat of terrorism in Europe must be handled at its root causes, and we must ensure that only those can enter Europe and only those are allowed to remain here who have a right to do so by law and who do not represent a danger to security.

DownloadPhoto: Zoltán Máthé/MTI

Mr. Szijjártó said that the Brexit process had also been discussed in view of the fact that there are over 300 thousand Cypriots living in Great Britain, more than the number of Hungarians, and accordingly it is important to both Hungary and Cyprus that an agreement is reached that mutually assures the rights of citizens. “In addition, is it extremely important that economic cooperation should remain as close as possible in view of the significant existing economic relations”, he added.

“It is not the fault of Central or Southeast Europe that the British decided to exit the European Union, and therefore the EU cannot punish Hungary for decreasing revenues by reducing cohesion and structural funding”, he noted.

With relation to energy security, Mr. Szijjártó said that the fact that 2 thousand billion cubic metres of natural gas resources had been found in Cyprus could help improve the diversification and security of Hungary’s energy supply once production begins and depending on the related upcoming development projects.

At the press conference, Mr. Kasoulidis said that at the meeting the parties had not only reviewed existing relations, but has also searched for possible new economic, cultural and education links.

With relation to the newly discovered gas field, the Cypriot Foreign Minister said it would help provide a new route for Europe’s energy supply, and the diversification of resources will enable every country to occupy a more favourable position with regard to prices.

With relation to Migration, he said the parties had shared their opinions on the situation in Turkey and had engaged in constructive discussion with relation to terrorism and migration. “Migration represents and extremely serious problem both to Europe, and to Cyprus and Hungary, who are on the front lines, and closing migration routes was essential to solving the situation”, he added.

According to Mr. Kasoulidis, the two Foreign Ministers also discussed the situations in Syria and Iraq, with special attention to the situation of minorities living in the region, including Christians.

The Minister also spoke about Brexit, with relation which Hungary and Cyprus have fears with regard to similar issues. The agreement between the United Kingdom and Europe on future relations is also extremely important to Cyprus in view of the fact that the United Kingdom is the country’s number one trade partner and 45 percent of the tourists visiting Cyprus each year come from the UK.

Mr. Kasoulidis officially thanked Hungary or its participating in the work of Cypriot peacekeeping forces.