“Martin Schulz, the leader of the German social democrats, regularly proves that everything always remains him of Hungary, whereas he would do better to concerned about his only party since the SPD has lost in three provincial elections”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó told Hungarian news agency MTI in reaction to criticism of Hungary by Martin Schulz.

In a speech on the future of Germany and the EU in Berlin on Sunday, German Social Democratic Party (SPD) candidate for Chancellor Martin Schulz highlighted the fact that Germany pays the most money into the join budget, while the main beneficiaries include Poland and Hungary, two countries that have “refused solidarity with regard to the refugee issue”.

Germany is prepared to pay in even more money, “but if the budget is not based on the principle of solidarity then as Chancellor I will raise a veto against the next budget”, Mr. Schulz emphasised.

“Countries that do not accept refugees and which, for instance, are engaged in a destructive tax competition against countries including our own, are not behaving in solidarity and cannot count on our solidarity”, he stressed.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade/MTI)