“There is a good chance that after last year, external economic indices could achieve new records again this year”, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade’s Chief Press Officer, Tamás Menczer, told Hungarian public media on Friday.

“Last year was the first full year of operation of the new system of external economic institutions and all previous foreign trade records were broken in 2015; Hungary’s exports and foreign trade balance achieved never before seen levels last year, which also saw the highest ever number of new investments in Hungary via the Investment Promotion Agency”, he explained.

Mr. Menczer stressed that this year’s goal is to break last year’s records and according to the figures for the first half of the year there is a good chance that “the system of external economic institutions will perform well again this year”.

“The goal of the Hungarian Government is for everyone who wants to and is able to work to have a job”, he reminded the press, pointing out that “dramatic advances have been made in recent years in reducing unemployment”.

“Goals include increasing the number of projects, investments and supply opportunities that enable the production and export of the highest possible level of added value and the creation of jobs for highly-trained Hungarian professionals”, the Press Chief said.

The Central Statistical Office (KSH) published the reviewed figures for last year’s trade surplus on Thursday, according to which the trade surplus was 8.565 billion euros, 477 million more than the originally published estimate. Last year, exports and imports increased by 7.0 percent and 4.6 percent, respectively.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade)