“Freight traffic between Hungary and Slovenia is continuing unhindered, although under strict measures, and this is helping us to assure the continuous supply of the Hungarian people”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó emphasised in Ljubljana on Monday.

The Minister held a meeting with Slovenian Foreign Minister Anze Logar in the Slovenian capital. Following the meeting, he highlighted that heavy goods vehicles that are travelling with a Hungarian destination, bringing goods to the Hungarian people and performing activities that are important with relation to supplying the Hungarian people, can continue to enter Hungary, as too can trucks that are transporting goods to neighbouring countries, but these must follow strict security procedures and can only use the designated motorways and petrol stations.

“There will be no problem with shipments of goods from the direction of Slovenia; they will be able to continue to serve the goal of suppling the Hungarian people just as they have been doing so far”, Mr. Szijjártó highlighted. “The Slovenian party accepted the stricter Hungarian measures with full understanding”, the politician added. As he explained, restrictions on personal travel, meaning the decision according to which only Hungarian citizens can set foot on Hungarian territory, is helping us “to protect the health of the Hungarian people and the health of the citizens of neighbouring countries”. The Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade pointed out that it is in difficult situations like the current one that “it becomes clear how closely we neighbours are dependent on each other (…) when it comes to the operation of the country and continuously supplying the economy and the people”.

“Until now, relations between Hungary and Slovenia have been about missed opportunities”, Mr. Szijjártó emphasised, adding that the Hungarian government believes that “it will be possible to make cooperation more intense with the new Slovenian cabinet, from which both the Hungarian people and the Slovenians will profit greatly”. “We hope that the time will soon come when our talks will be governed by much more positive topics, and we will finally be able to agree on how to connect the two countries’ energy supply systems, and how we will be able to open new roads through which the Hungarian and Slovenian people will be able to travel between the two countries”, he added.