Germany is Hungary’s number one political, economic and strategic partner, and German investments fundamentally determine the performance of the Hungarian national economy, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade stated on Friday at the opening of the conference of the German Business Club (DWC) in Budapest.

Péter Szijjártó added: German capital has had unshaken faith in Hungary since 2010. After last year, trade between the two countries may break yet another record this year, as may Hungarian exports to Germany, he said. Without the continuous development of Hungarian-German economic cooperation, it is hardly conceivable for the Hungarian economy to remain on a long-term course of growth, he stressed.

DownloadPhoto: Zsolt Burger/Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade

The Minister pointed out: German investments worth EUR 5.3 billion have arrived in Hungary in the past five years, in consequence of which almost 20,600 jobs have been created. The some six thousand German companies operating in Hungary provide jobs for almost 300,000 people, he added.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade)