In Brussels, the Hungarian Government has initiated an immediate decision by the European Union on joint action to assure the protection of Greece's border, which also represents the EU's external border – Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó announced on Sunday evening.

Mr. Szijjártó welcomed the German Government's decision on temporarily reinstating border controls. The Minister was speaking with reference to a statement by the German Minister of Interior early on Sunday evening regarding the fact that Germany would be temporarily reinstating border controls in view of the refugee crisis.

According to the Minister, another decision is required that is probably even more important: given the fact that Greece is incapable of protecting its own borders and that of the EU, this must be achieved jointly by Member States. Hungary understands the German step and expresses solidarity with Germany. The Hungarian Government considers the common values established following World War II to be extremely important, and accordingly believes that the EU must also come to a decision on the issue as quickly as possible in view of the situation that has developed.

This is why Hungary has initiated – through its Permanent Representation in Brussels – that EU Member States should join forces to help Greece protect its external border. The Cabinet will already be representing this standpoint at Monday’s meeting of Justice and Interior Ministers, Péter Szijjártó added. "We are ready to take part in this operation (…) and to send border guards and police officers to the affected location", he declared.

He also noted that according to the Hungarian Government’s standpoint, such support must be provided with the participation and “contribution” of every single EU Member State.

“Both migrants and human traffickers must realise that every EU country will protect its own borders. The Cabinet is well prepared for all eventualities and is constantly monitoring the German and Austrian decisions to enable the Hungarian Minister of Interior to act accordingly to introduce the required measures here in Hungary”, the Minister added.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade)