The Hungarian Government refuses all „ill-conceived attributes and accusations levelled against Hungary” which were made by French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius on Sunday in connection with the measures adopted by Hungary for the protection of its borders, the State Secretary for Economic Diplomacy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade said.

Levente Magyar had a meeting with the French Ambassador to Budapest in the afternoon, who was summoned to the Ministry after the French Foreign Minister referred to the conduct of some Eastern-European countries as „scandalous” in connection with the migrant crisis in an interview, and especially criticised Hungary on account of the border fence.

The State Secretary pointed out: the border protection measures do not only protect Hungary but every Member State of the EU, and these measures serve the security, order and peace of every EU Member State.

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Mr Magyar took the view: these accusations are particularly ill-conceived in the light of the fact that Hungary „is taking part in the management of the migration situation in the EU almost beyond its burden-bearing capacity”, and in terms of its size, Hungary is compelled to bear the gravest migration pressure which is affecting the whole of Europe.

Hungary proceeds in accordance with the relevant local, EU and international norms and regulations in every respect, he stressed.

The State Secretary highlighted: Hungary is protecting the outside Schengen borders as required under EU law.

Additionally, based on the Schengen rules, borders may only be crossed at the designated official border-crossing stations; i.e. Hungary is doing nothing other than directing the „flood of migrants”, which is increasing day by day, towards the official border-crossing points, he explained.

Mr Magyar believes the words of the French Foreign Minister are especially unacceptable and incomprehensible as they „seem to indicate a degree of indifference and insensitivity as well as a lack of information", given that only recently „a fence taller than the Hungarian one” has been built at Calais, in France.

In answer to a question, the State Secretary said: criticisms are levelled at a country for not accepting migrants and refugees in sufficient numbers which „is doing just that in the largest numbers now”.

Hungary does not see the solution in „allocating contingents of migrants within Europe”. Hungary takes the view that everyone who is eligible must be granted the protection they need; however, the problem of economic migrants should be resolved in territories and with means outside the EU.

The State Secretary said in answer to a question concerning the situation which evolved at the Keleti Railway Station: based on the Schengen regulations, migrants may travel on from one EU Member State to another if they have the necessary documents. This means that the police merely performed their duty when they did not allow people to board trains in the absence of documents.

Mr Magyar took the view that the cause of the excitement experienced among migrants may have been the announcement of the German Government regarding migrants from Syria.

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He added: Austria has the right to check every vehicle, and recent events show that other governments, too, wish to monitor their borders.

Mr Magyar also pointed out: there are ongoing consultations between the governments of all Member States as to how to manage the migration situation on a pan-European level, as a united effort. Hungary itself is interested in a united European stance and an effective, long-term and comprehensive answer to the crisis, rather than having to resort to individual solutions.

As the necessary action has not been taken on an EU level, Hungary has decided to adopt effective measures, and this is why the border fence is being built, he said.

The State Secretary stressed: as long as Hungary does not see „genuine will and ability to take action” on the part of the EU, the country will protect its borders by means of its own measures.

(Prime Minister’s Office, MTI)