The Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade has proposed that the Government launch an information campaign on the United Nations’ migration package.

At a press conference held on a different topic on Tuesday, Péter Szijjártó highlighted: People’s attention must be drawn to the fact that there is a dangerous proposal that would determine migration policy at a global level.

The UN wants everyone to continuously admit migrants based on their assumption that migration is good and cannot be stopped; in addition to which the border security fence, which is preventing migration, should be demolished and illegally crossing a border should not be regarded as a crime, he explained.

We reserve the right to decide for ourselves who we allow to enter the country and who we want to live with, and accordingly “we will always fight to ensure that nobody else can tell us who we should live with in our own country”, the Hungarian Foreign Minister declared.

At the session of the UN Human Rights Council on Tuesday it became clear that an extremely tough battle is to be expected within the international organisation in the upcoming months, and what is at stake is whether or not the UN accepts the right to migration as a fundamental human right, whereas it is in fact no such thing, he noted.

They want to put states that do not want to become immigrant countries under major pressure, he added. In reply to a question, the Minister told the press that the goals set down in the migration package coincide with the Soros plan. The debate on the amendment of the Dublin Regulation is also ongoing, and the proposal put forward may establish a possibly unlimited long-term mechanism for immigration, which would mean that tens of thousands of immigrants would be brought into Hungary, he said.

Also in reply to a question, Mr. Szijjártó told the press that the Ukrainian Ambassador had been summoned with relation to the arson attack on the headquarters of the Transcarpathian Hungarian Cultural Association in Uzhhorod (Ungvár) and was told that Hungary expects the Ukrainian authorities to investigate the background of the attack and to find and punish the perpetrators. Ukraine must guarantee the security of Transcarpathian Hungarians, which “they have not done particularly successfully recently”, he said.

With relation to the case of the journalist who was murdered in Slovakia recently, Mr. Szijjártó said Hungary was extending its deepest sympathies to the victim’s family. The Slovakian Government is doing everything possible to apprehend the perpetrators, he said.