Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó held a meeting with Romanian Foreign Minister Teodor Melescanu on the sidelines of an informal meeting of foreign ministers of the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) on the shores of Štrbské pleso (Lake Csorba) in Slovakia on Tuesday.

According to a statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Mr. Szijjártó confirmed that Hungary would like to continue to strive for relations between the two countries to “return to a foundation of mutual respect and to positive dynamics”, because that would be better for both Hungary and Romania, but more importantly it would also be best for Hungarians living in Transylvania and Szeklerland.

The Hungarian Foreign Minister asked for his Romanian counterpart’s assistance to assure that expert discussions on the Hungarian military cemetery in Úzvölgy (Valea Uzului) continue, and that the two groups of experts are able to visit the cemetery for an inspection in July.

With relation to the recently adopted new Act on Public Administration, Mr. Szijjártó asked the Romanian Foreign Minister for the previously acquired right of Hungarians living in Transylvania and Szeklerland, according to which minorities can retain the right to use their native language even if their ratio within the local population falls to below 20 percent, to be reintroduced into the legislation.

In closing, Mr. Szijjártó asked Teodor Melescanu to assure that Romanian courts cease their practice of imposing millions of forints in fines on Hungarian officials for using the Hungarian language and Hungarian symbols.