“Hungarian-Canadian cooperation is excellent; the two countries have helped each other’s citizens to return home, trade flow has improved, and Hungary is supporting Canada’s membership of the UN Security Council”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó wrote on his Facebook page on Tuesday.

Following a telephone discussion with Canadian Foreign Minister François-Philippe Champagne, Mr. Szijjártó stated: “In recent months an excellent cooperation has come about within the field of getting their citizens home”. Canada has helped 53 Hungarians to return home, and Hungary has provided assistance to 43 Canadian citizens.

“We agreed that nothing will be like it was before either within the global economy or global politics. The conclusions of the global pandemic must be drawn, including the fact that in strategic sectors of industry we must possess sufficient capacities to ensure that we do not become defenceless in such difficult situations”, the Hungarian Foreign Minister wrote.

“Canada is a close ally to Hungary within NATO, and accordingly we will be supporting Canada’s bid for membership of the UN Security Council”, he added. “Economic cooperation between the two countries is also ‘developing nicely’: our trade flow increased by 29 percent during the first two months of this year, and the first experiences with relation to the free trade agreement between Canada and the European Union are also joyfully positive”, the Minister wrote on his Facebook page.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade/ MTI)