“Hungarian-Danish relations must always be determined by mutual respect”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó said on Friday in Copenhagen.

The Minister met his Danish counterpart, Foreign Minister Anders Samuelsen, after which at a joint press conference, he told reporters: “The relationship it maintains with Denmark is important to Hungary in view of the fact that the two countries occupy a similar position on many issues”. “Such issues include challenges relating to the future of the EU and Brexit, with relation to which the two countries agree that the closest possible relations must be maintained with Great Britain from an economic, trade and security perspective following its exit from the European Union”, he explained.

Mr. Szijjártó said the two foreign ministers had also discussed the fact that Hungary has decided not to sign the UN Global Compact for Migration because it would only serve to further encourage migration and is at odds with Europe’s interests.

The Minister also spoke about Hungarian-Danish economic cooperation, explaining that the 150 Danish companies currently operating in Hungary provide jobs for some 15 thousand people, and the Hungarian Government has concluded strategic partnership agreements with several of them. “These companies are also contributing to enabling Hungary to successfully move forward into a new era of economic history in which greater emphasis is being placed on research & development and new technologies”, he pointed out.

In reply to a question, Mr. Szijjártó said that national consultations are an important part of the Hungarian Government’s politics, and it always asks the people with relation to major issues, which is something very few European countries do. “So far, we have fully implemented the will of the people, and will also introduce the required measures on this occasion based on the replies given”, he stated.

Anders Samuelsen mentioned trade relations, Brexit, the rule of law and non-governmental organisations from among the topics discussed.

(Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister/MTI)