“Hungarian-Indonesian relations are developing dynamically, one of the most recent examples of which is that the water management related facilities being built from the loan furnished by the Hungarian Government will be providing a clean supply of water to almost half a million people in Indonesia”, Deputy State Secretary István Joó said.

The State Secretary told the press that as the Co-Chair of the Hungary-Indonesia Joint Economic Committee, he had visited Indonesia to review bilateral economic and trade relations, and to make preparations for the Committee’s upcoming session in Budapest at the end of this year.

“As the world’s fourth largest country with a population of 260 million, Indonesia is an extremely important partner to Hungary in the region”, he said. “We were most happy to see that bilateral trade flow has increased dynamically in recent years: Hungarian exports to Indonesia grew by 18 percent year-on-year during the first ten months of 2018”, Mr. Joó said.

“The areas that hold the most perspective for cooperation are water management, healthcare, and the IT and info-communications sectors. These are all sectors in which Hungarian enterprises are already heavily involved in Indonesia”, he stated.

“We can report on major successes within the field of water management: during the time of the negotiations, 7 out of the 36 water treatment facilities being built by Budapest Waterworks and its local partner before the end of this year out of funding provided by the Hungarian Government were officially opened”, the Deputy State Secretary highlighted. “Another extremely positive development with relation to the project is that Budapest Waterworks is realising the project using the products and services of some 50 Hungarian enterprises, acting as suppliers”, he emphasised.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade/MTI)