“Hungarian and Slovenian citizens may once again use the Bajánsenye and Kétvölgy border crossing stations from Thursday morning”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó announced on his Facebook page.

In his post, the Minister pointed out that all border crossing stations along the northern stretch of the Hungarian-Slovenian border have been closed since mid-March as a result of the restrictions introduced to combat the spread of the coronavirus pandemic. However, “this has caused major problems for people living in the Rába (Porabje) and Mura (Prekmurje) regions, many of whom cross the border daily to work, in addition to which many own plots of land on the territory of the neighbouring country”, he explained. “In response to their requests, we are reopening the Bajánsenye and Kétvölgy border crossing points beginning this morning. Accordingly, people in the area can begin gong to work again, and farmers can perform their spring tasks so there will be something to harvest in the autumn”, the Minister wrote on his Facebook page.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade / MTI)