“The Secretary General of the Council of Europe (COE) can rest assured that Hungary acts in accordance with all European laws and norms”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó told the Hungarian News Agency on Wednesday.

The Minister responded to the criticism coming from Mr Thorbjörn Jagland, Secretary General of the CoE who is currently staying in Sweden, in an interview given to the Swedish News Agency in which Mr Jagland sharply criticised the Hungarian migration policy.

In a statement, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade pointed out: “In connection with the introduction of the crisis situation which was called a state of emergency in the report, Mr Jagland explained that he should have received information about this in writing beforehand because ‘ No one can simply introduce a state of emergency in Europe or do what they want’.”

In relation to the provisions which came into force on September 15, the Secretary–General said: “We are concerned. It is evident that Hungary has the right to defend its borders, but there is also a requirement to treat people in a legal way. People have a right to fair judicial proceedings, and judicial judgements must be communicated to them in their own language. Those who arrive at the official border crossings have the right to ask for protection, and Hungary cannot send them back.

If the new Hungarian laws do not comply with the provisions of the Geneva Convention, they need to be amended”, he said. According to Mr Jagland, “Ultimately, the European Court of Human Rights can intervene – this has happened on several occasions.” According to the Secretary–General, in light of the events of recent days, there is a risk that each country will begin to close its borders and will start dumping the problem on each other.

“People will continue to arrive, they will find new, illegal ways, and it is obviously worse than if they come legally”, he said. Mr Péter Szijjártó emphasised in relation to this: “Hungary acts in accordance with all European laws and norms.” He highlighted: Hungary will defend its borders from illegal immigration, and, at the same time, will ensure the possibility to submit applications for the refugee status, as well as provide proper care for the period when the applications are considered.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade)