The foreign ministers of Hungary and Andorra concluded a tourism agreement in Budapest on Wednesday.

At the press conference following his meeting with Andorran Foreign Minister Maria Ubach Font, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó thanked Andorra for having regularly provided support to Hungary on the international stage with relation to two important national strategy issues. “Andorra is helping to resist efforts on the part of the EU aimed at tax harmonisation, which are endangering the preservation of competitiveness and economic growth”, he stated. Mr. Szijjártó rejected the fact that proposals citing tax harmonisation by “mainly Western European countries” that practice irresponsible budgetary policies should lead to tax increases in member states that have achieved a competitive advantage as a result of the strict budgets and through lower taxes.

“Andorra has also been standing up in support of Hungary since Ukraine introduced new legislation curtailing the rights of minorities, and has made it clear that this is in violation of international law”, Mr. Szijjártó said. The Minister told reporters that the two countries have agreed on the text of an agreement to avoid double taxation, while the new tourism agreement is aimed at enabling Andorra to be a possible travel destination for Hungarian tourists all year round. “We have made it possible for Spain to issue visas to citizens of third countries in Andorra in the name of Hungary, in addition to which higher education capacities are also increasing dynamically”, Mr. Szijjártó added. “In addition, Andorra is also helping Hungary to acquire observer status in the Organization of Ibero-American States, the community of states from the Iberian Peninsula and South America. The organization will be holding its next summit in Andorra in November, and the meeting could be an important platform with relation to Hungary’s Southern Opening policy”, he stated.

“Hungary is a committed supporter of the association agreement between the European Union and Andorra”, the Hungarian Foreign Minister said. Andorran Foreign Minister Maria Ubach Font expressed her hope that the two countries will soon be able to conclude an agreement on avoiding double taxation. She reminded the press that Hungary and Andorra established diplomatic relations twenty-five years ago. The Minister spoke at length about tourism, which is Andorra’s main source of income. The politician said further cooperation opportunities should be examined within the fields of higher education and innovation. “Andorra shares Hungary’s values with relation to human rights, democracy and the rule of law, and will continue to provide all possible support in the interests of protecting minorities in future”, the Andorran Foreign Minister declared. Maria Ubach Font also thanked Hungary for having helped bring Andorra closer to the European Union during its earlier presidency of the Council of the European Union.