“There is full agreement between Hungary and Australia on the issue of migration, and on the fact that preserving a country’s sovereignty, maintaining security, handling the causes of migration and strong border security are all important”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó said on Thursday in Budapest following a meeting with his Australian counterpart.

“Australia is gaining increasing weight within global political and economic developments, and accordingly the closest possible cooperation with Australia is in the interests of the European Union, Central Europe and Hungary”, Mr. Szijjártó highlighted.

The Minister told reporters that the ratification of the EU-Australia framework agreement was put before Parliament last week, and the newly composed legislature will have the opportunity to ratify the agreement following the elections, meaning Hungary could be their third EU member state to do so.

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“Preparations for the commencement of talks on a free trade agreement are also currently underway. Hungary is a strong supporter of the earliest possible commencement of the negotiations”, Mr. Szijjártó said. Hungary’s economy is competitive, we have the lowest tax rates in the EU, and we are among Europe’s frontrunners with regard to productivity, and accordingly, although sensitivities must of course be taken into account, on the whole “we have nothing to be afraid of” with relation to the commencement of talks, he explained.

“Hungary and Australia are committed partners in the fight against terrorism, and our soldiers are fighting side-by-side in Iraq against the Islamic State terrorist organisation, and this will continue to be the case in future”, he said.

The Foreign Minister also spoke about the fact that the parties had also discussed the UN’s Global Compact for Migration.

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“Hungary regards the fundamental principle behind the package, according to which migration is good and unstoppable, as unacceptable in view of the fact that migration is bad, dangerous and must be stopped”, he pointed out.

Mr. Szijjártó said that in his opinion, although their geographical position, histories and social structure are totally different, the standpoints of Hungary and Australia are in absolute harmony with regard to their assessment of the fundamental issues relating to illegal migration. “Hungary has never criticised the Australian model concerning illegal immigration”, he pointed out, stressing that “In Hungary’s opinion the nation’s security must be the primary criteria for the government of every country, and only the Australians can decide who they will allow onto their country’s territory”, he emphasised.

“The two countries also agree with regard to the targets with relation to people smuggling; people smuggling must be eradicated”, Mr. Szijjártó said. “Just as Australia turned the ships of people smugglers that were transporting illegal immigrants around, the same should also be done on the Mediterranean”, he declared.

The Hungarian Foreign Minister also said that it is rational that Australia is processing asylum requests in external locations, and the EU should also be doing this at external hot-spots. It is also rational for Australia to resettle illegal immigrants to third countries, he said, adding that both parties also agree on the fact that all countries must defend their own borders.
A few weeks ago, the ministers of the Visegrád Group (V4) countries held talks with the Australian Minister for Trade in Budapest, and talks within the V4 framework are now continuing with the Australian Foreign Minister, he noted.

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Australian Minister of Foreign Affairs Julie Bishop stressed: Australia does not want to tell other countries how to handle migration, but Australia is a good example of how to maintain openness towards refugees providing they arrive in an ordered manner as determined by the government.

Australia is happy to share its migration-related experiences. Australia is a county of immigrants, the world’s most successful multicultural country, with people who have come here from all over the world, she declared, explaining that Australia is happy to receive refugees, but insists on a migration policy that guarantees the preservation of the country’s sovereignty.
Julie Bishop stated that relations between Hungary and Australia are close, one of the foundations of which is Australia’s large Hungarian community. Many Hungarians went to Australia after the 1956 Revolution, and have contributed significantly to the country’s development, she pointed out.

On the subject of economic relations, the Australian Foreign Minister said there were huge opportunities within the fields of trade and investment. Australia is the world’s 13th largest economy, growth is continuous, and we are an open, export-orientated country that is happy to cooperate with similarly structured economies.

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Australia is also happy to hold talks with the countries of the Visegrád Group, because the V4 represents an important standpoint within the EU, she noted.

Julie Bishop thanked Hungary to supporting the signing of the free trade agreement with the European Union, which in her opinion would profit all parties.

In reply to a question, the Foreign Minister said with relation to Brexit that for the moment Australia was waiting to see what kind of an agreement comes about between the EU and Great Britain.