“The Visegrád Group continues to support the euro-Atlantic integration of the Western Balkans and is providing its unconditional support to the current Bulgarian Presidency of the Council of the European Union and the upcoming Austrian Presidency in the interest of accelerating this process”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó stressed in Banja Luka, Bosnia, where he and the relative ministers of the Western Balkan countries gave joint speeches at a conference on the region’s EU enlargement.

“Hungary believes that expansion in the direction of the Western Balkans is important for Europe from both an economic and security perspective. The issue of security has gained importance in Europe since the threat of terrorism has increased as a result of migration”, he added. “Western Balkan enlargement is in the security interests of the European Union”, he underlined.

Budapest is not satisfied with the documents that the European Commission has issued with relation to the enlargement process, he said. “The two frontrunners in the enlargement process today are undoubtedly Serbia and Montenegro, and the 2025 deadline set for them is extremely distant”, Mr. Szijjártó explained. The enlargement process of the above-mentioned two countries must be accelerated, because “that will also lead to the acceleration of the negotiation processes of the other countries that are striving for integration”, he continued.

Hungary is an unconditional supporter of the earliest possible commencement of the NATO membership action plan for Bosnia-Hercegovina, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade underlined. “I have not been as optimistic since this issue has been on the agenda, because we are seeing very positive changes in the positions of several member countries”, Mr. Szijjártó said.

The Hungarian Foreign Minister also congratulated the Bosnian Government on the progress made towards European integration, and for the fact that the replies to the over three thousand questions included in the European Union’s pre-accession questionnaire have been successfully drafted. “I can promise you that Hungary will be doing everything in the interests of the earliest possible evaluation of the replies on the part of the EU”, the Minister underlined at his press conference in Banja Luka. Hungary remains prepared to support the reforms required for accession, in the interests of which a Hungarian diplomat has been delegated to the Bosnian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and will be aiding the Bosnian negotiation process in future, he told the press.