Hungary condemns in the strongest terms the intercontinental ballistic missile launch carried out by North Korea on 29 November local time, which once again violated North Korea’s international obligations as determined by multiple United Nations Security Council Resolutions. Moreover, the ballistic missile fell into the sea only 250 km west of the Japan coast, which is a clear infringement of Japan’s exclusive economic zone.

North Korea’s nuclear ambitions and reckless provocations constitute one of the gravest threats to global safety and security today. The international community must continue to send a unified message to North Korea that it must abandon its nuclear and ballistic missile programs.  The existing economic and diplomatic pressure on North Korea must be increased by all means. In addition to implementing all existing UN sanctions, the international community must take additional measures in the interests of maritime security, including the right to monitor the maritime transport of goods to and from North Korea.

Hungary calls on North Korea to engage in a credible and meaningful dialogue, aimed at realising the complete, verifiable and irreversible denuclearisation of the Korean Peninsula and the full implementation of all relevant UN Security Council resolutions.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade/MTI)