“We take exception to people explaining in a colonial tone who is entitled to EU funding and who isn’t”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó said on Hungarian M1 television’s Thursday evening current affairs program, referring to statements by members of the French Government.

“Hungary has never been a colony of France and it is still not one today, and EU funding is due to Hungary based on agreements. The other side of these agreements is that Hungary has opened its market, from which Western enterprises are profiting”, the Minister explained. “We will never leave such statements unanswered”, he underlined.

In reply to a question on whether the European Parliament will be supporting the Sargentini Report, Mr. Szijjártó said he did not wish to enter into speculation. “It will transpire whether the MEPs will protect the interests of the European people or are taken in by the campaign of provocation against Hungary”, he added.

“The essence of the problem is migration”, he stated. “Many in Brussels want to change the make-up of Europe, and these pro-migration forces are incapable of accepting the fact that there are some governments for whom the security of their citizens is more important”, the Hungarian Foreign Minister explained.

“Assistance must be provided where problems arise instead of bringing the problems here, because that is an extremely hypocritical and irresponsible policy. In contrast, within the framework of the Hungary Helps Programme the Hungarian Government is building and renovating churches, schools and hospitals in areas that are the sources of migration, primarily in support of Christian communities”, he added.