Hungary has submitted its bid for hosting the ministerial meeting of the Governing Board of the International Energy Agency to be held next year, István Mikola, State Secretary for Security Policy and International Cooperation at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade informed the Hungarian News Agency MTI on Wednesday in Paris after this year’s meeting of the organisation’s Governing Board.

By the State Secretary’s account, the Budapest bid for hosting the event which is planned to be held with the participation of several thousand attendees was welcomed most enthusiastically by the Member States of the energy agency which forms part of the Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD). According to the plans of the Hungarian Government, the meeting would be a high-priority European event, and the agency may decide on the details of its organisation within a few weeks.

Mr Mikola takes the view that this event is particularly important for Hungary because „we are a sensitive country from an energy point of view and are interested in diversification, and we must therefore seize every opportunity which may serve our long-term energy supply”.

The hosting in Budapest of the 2017 ministerial meeting of the Governing Board of the International Energy Agency may be a significant international diplomatic event which could reinforce Hungary’s foreign policy transparency, influence and professional prestige. It could additionally also enhance the reputation of Hungary as a conference tourism destination.

With regard to the international significance of the organisation, Hungary also made a bid last year for hosting the headquarters of the International Energy Agency in Budapest, but at the time the Governing Board of the organisation decided to retain its seat in Paris.

The possibility of Budapest hosting the next ministerial meeting in 2017 emerged due to the renovation of the headquarters which is planned to take three years to complete. Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó officially informed the organisation of the contemplated bid in July 2015. Mr Mikola introduced the detailed bid to the Member States on Wednesday. In addition to Hungary, Switzerland also submitted a bid for hosting the meeting.

The International Energy Agency is an autonomous agency linked with the OECD with 28 Member States, including 20 European Member States. The organisation was set up in 1974 after the first oil crisis with a view to ensuring that the largest energy consumer countries take a united stance. Hungary has been a full member of the organisation since 1997, and will celebrate the 20th anniversary of its accession next year.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade)