The EU’s enlargement policy is one of the most successful community instruments, with which a predictable development path can be determined, and stability, economic growth and competitiveness in our direct neighbourhood can be enhanced.

The developments of recent months have been proof that ongoing processes in the Western Balkans region directly affect Hungary as a neighbouring country. Also, as a result of this, Hungary welcomes the annual enlargement package of the European Commission published on 10 November 2015. It is beneficial that the Commission has acknowledged the European commitment of those countries which are part of the enlargement process. The outline of results and further tasks, and the precise determination of shortcomings are indispensable to continuing a genuine and effective enlargement policy. Hungary agrees with the Commission’s approach, which puts the focus of review on provision of the rule of law and basic rights, consistency in economic policy, regional relations and – as a new element – the handling of the migrant crisis. Hungary hopes that the new and more transparent evaluation system will help these countries better prepare for accession.

Serbia’s accession negotiations remain in the focus of our attention: on the basis of results also acknowledged by the Commission, we urge that the first phase of accession negotiations begin before the end of the year. Through EU forums and its bilateral relations, Hungary is ready to provide Serbia with its fullest support in preparation for integration: Hungary will help Serbia prepare for EU membership as effectively as possible by the delegation of experts and sharing accession-related best practices.

Turkey is a strategic partner of the EU. In acknowledgement of its key regional and global role, we urge acceleration of its accession process. We expect that relations between the newly-formed Turkish government and the EU will become ever closer and broader. Ankara is also a key partner of the EU in handling the migrant crisis.

We also support Montenegro in the acceleration of its accession process. We strongly believe that Montenegro’s political commitment is unchanged; its successful accession could also serve as an example for other countries in the region.

We have long been urging for accession negotiations to begin with Macedonia. Keeping the candidate country waiting for so long may call into question the Union’s credibility. It is our interest and duty to maintain the Euro-Atlantic vision and the opportunity to start EU accession negotiations. We believe that following the agreements of last week, the door to the new phase of integration could be opened.

Albania has achieved great results recently. The next step is to start accession negotiations, which the Commission aims to promote by giving the country a precise outline of tasks. Hungary is ready to help the work of our Albanian partners with our professional experience.

Signing the Stability and Association Agreement on 27 October can be considered a milestone in EU-Kosovo relations. It is our interest to ensure that these new contractual frameworks enhance acceleration of Kosovo’s economic and social development.

We are hopeful regarding the accession process of Bosnia and Herzegovina. With the Stability and Association Agreement taking effect, reforms needed for EU membership have been given fresh impetus.

(Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister)