With today’s official visit to Washington and the meeting with the U.S. Secretary of State, we are confirming that “Hungary does not want to become a member of the European chorus that is hysterically criticising the United States”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó said on Wednesday in Washington prior to his meeting with his American counterpart.

“Hungary has always refrained from criticising the United States’ foreign policy decisions”, the Minister declared.

“We always respect the sovereign foreign policy decisions of other countries, and our expectation is for other countries to behave similarly with respect to us”, he said.

“Through today’s visit, we would also like to confirm the fact that there are extremely major similarities between the political approaches of the two governments”, Mr. Szijjártó told the press.

“Both the American administration and the Hungarian Government regard the security of their own citizens as their primary priority; both governments have made it clear that they want nothing to do with illegal migration and are each other’s close partners in the fight  against global terrorism”, he said.

“In addition, we are working together with relation to UN reform and on ensuring that the international approach to Israel is balanced, fair and equitable”, he added.

The Hungarian Foreign Minister also said that both the U.S. administration and the Hungarian Government are protecting Judeo-Christian values and heritage.