At the Budapest Fair Centre Hungexpo, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó declared that when handling the migration crisis, the Government made it clear that Hungary is not to be played for a fool.

The Minister pointed out that Hungary has recently been the focus of unjustified attacks, dark accusations and baseless criticisms, while it has proved that it is possible to protect external borders, even in the midst of one of the most serious challenges in the European Union’s history. “We have successfully repelled these attacks, one by one”, Mr. Szijjártó said, adding that “we have fought back against those who wanted to play us for a fool, and we shall continue to do so in the future”. The Minister said that this course is considered a novel one because in the past there were foreign policy approaches which fled from conflicts like the one we are experiencing at the moment.

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He also said that the EU’s immigration policy resembles ritual suicide, since it is spectacular, harmful and endangers the continent’s future. Yet he emphasised that as a minister he will continue to pursue a foreign policy line which prevents Hungary from looking like Budapest’s Keleti Railway Station a few weeks ago.

Minister for National Economy Mihály Varga declared that the Hungarian economy is back on track again, and these years may pave the path to prosperity. The Minister noted that there is still a lot to do for the country to be able to survive a serious external shock without damage, but the aim is right. He said that Hungary must hold to its course: a disciplined and stable budget, decreasing debt, increasing incomes and more jobs.

Minister of Human Capacities Zoltán Balog recalled that there is a need for academics who are able to convert various political decisions into sincere messages in the national civic Christian camp, while being able to express criticism in a spirit of solidarity. He highlighted that the goal remains the advancement of the Hungarian nation.

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Minister of Agriculture Sándor Fazekas declared that the Government has stuck to the promises it made on the protection of Hungarian farmland, and this is proved by the fact that not a single foreigner has acquired farmland in Hungary. He pointed out that the best place for Hungarian farmland is in the ownership of Hungarian farmers.

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Speaking about agriculture, President of the Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture and Fidesz MP Balázs Győrffy emphasised that the Chamber of Agriculture represents the whole agriculture sector; it serves as the number one umbrella organization for farmers.

Minister of State for Family Affairs Katalin Novák said that families are continuously present, not just during elections and rhetorically, but also when concrete decisions are made. She said that only strong families can create a strong nation, adding that Fidesz-KDNP is a political alliance  in which human life, the family, children and marriage are to be protected: protected values from the very beginning.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade)