“While in 2010, Hungarian families and the state were both being crushed under the pressure of debt and economic uncertainty, the country is now on a growth trajectory”, The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade’s State Secretary for Information and the International Representation of Hungary Tamás Menczer said on Hungarian M1 television’s Wednesday morning current affairs program.

“Nothing is more indicative of this than the fact that the rate of unemployment has fallen to just 3.3 percent from 11.5 percent in 2010; In Hungary, everyone who wants to work can find employment”, Mr. Menczer added.

“The development is also visible with relation to Hungary’s sovereign debt, which has fallen to under 70 percent from the 2010 figure of 83 percent, and is now below the EU average”, he pointed out.

“It is the task of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade to strengthen the Hungarian economy within the field of exports and investment. The results have also improved within these areas: 27 foreign investments were realised in 2009, the last full year of the previous left-wing liberal government, while 98 major investment projects were realised in 2018. The 2009 investments created fewer than 5500 jobs, while those realised in 2080 created over 17 thousand”, the State Secretary said, reporting on the figures.

“This 300-400 percent improvement is primarily thanks to the world class work of the Hungarian people, and to the fact that the Orbán government is working in an alliance with the Hungarian people to reinforce the country”, he emphasised.

“In view of the high rate of unemployment, in 2010 the goal of the Orbán government was for as many jobs as possible to be created, but the current goal is to ensure that as many high added value activities and investment projects as possible come to Hungary”, Mr. Menczer stated.

“The average salaries paid by foreign investors in Hungary have increased from 304 thousand forints to 505 thousand forints in the space of two years, and this also indicates that enterprises are establishing work processes in Hungary that represent and increasingly high value”, the State Secretary explained.