“Hungary is performing beyond its capabilities in its international efforts to preserve peace, security and stability”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó said in a statement to Hungarian news agency MTI, reporting on his talks in Washington.

The main subject of negotiations will be security policy cooperation. The Minister will meet with John Bolton, the American President’s national security advisor, and with Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Wess Mitchell, in addition to which he will be participating in a meeting of foreign ministers of the Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS, convened by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, the Minister told the press.

“Hungary is performing beyond its capabilities in its international efforts to preserve peace, security and stability, in view of the fact that one thousand Hungarian soldiers are already serving in various international missions aimed at combatting global terrorism, creating stability in the regions involved, and maintaining peace in several places”, he highlighted.

“One of Hungary’s most important military roles is its participation in the Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS”, Mr. Szijjártó stated. “Hungary has always supported the United States’ efforts with relation to fighting global terrorism, and has not only been there in words, but truly also in deeds”, he said.

“Hungary has been part of the Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS from the very beginning, and based on the mandate provided by National Assembly, 200 soldiers are taking part in the work of the Coalition”, he explained. “Hungarian military personnel are primarily involved in performing troop escort, training and advisory duties”, he added.

The Foreign Minister said that in his opinion the Coalition has achieved success so far, but the fact that the Islamic State has retreated from 98 percent of the territories it had previously occupied does not mean the end of the fight, but that we must face a new challenge.

“The terrorist organisation has changed tactics, and the international community must take determined action against this”, he pointed out. As he explained, in recent years 42 thousand foreign terrorist mercenaries have travelled to Africa and the Middle East to fight for the Islamic State, five thousand of whom came from Europe. “The goal of the terrorist organisation is now to send them back to Europe, and “we must prevent this”, and accordingly strict border protection has perhaps never been as important as it will be in the upcoming period”, he explained. “The Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS must also concentrate on this from now on”, he stated.

“Hungary is also playing its role in this, and as it has done so far, it will continue to protect its border and prevent anyone from crossing it illegally, in addition to which it is also helping the Western Balkan countries to defend their borders”, Mr. Szijjártó stressed.

“Hungary has always been a dependable ally to the United States within the field of security policy, and this is something Washington also appreciates”, Mr. Szijjártó stressed. “Hungary will continue to be a dependable partner in future in efforts for combat global terrorism”, the Foreign Minister declared.

(Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister/MTI)